Do you own a pet care facility? Are you involved in grooming, boarding, training, breeding, exhibiting, handling, brushing, bathing, walking, helping, or understanding pets? Do you retail pet products to the pet-owning public? Do you need to improve your grooming or handling skills? Or learn how to retail or add retail to your mix of services? Then this is your place.
Groom Texas is for anyone who makes a full or part-time living from professional pet care... or is a serious hobbyist. Groomers, mobile groomers, kennel operators and kennel personnel, trainers, day care operators, veterinarians, pet retailers, animal behaviorists, shelter personnel, breeders, handlers, vet techs, or anyone involved in the pet industry will find a wealth of information, products and services to meet your needs.
Groom Texas is also home to exciting grooming competitions with generous cash awards! The World Cup Grooming Games are held, along with the following breed class competitions: Poodle, Salon Freestyle and Sporting, Wired Coated Breed, All Other Purebreds, and Creative.